Energy By Water

Saturday 30 March 2013

Hydro Power Generation and the World
Although hydro power technology had been developed quite a long time ago, it took years to get something that is efficient and cost-effective. Energy By Water is one of the innovations. Hydro power generation has come a long way since its inception. Modern researches have shaped giant, mountain-like hydro power systems into small portable solutions. Today, the system has become much more convenient than its ancestors. The first application of hydro power systems was implemented in the United States. The technique then became popular in Europe and from there, it went around the world. Today, you will find hundreds of such facilities around the globe. The largest hydro power system is deployed at Three Gorges Dam in China and it produces about 20,300MW of electricity. Observing the boundless advantages of the technology, many countries have installed hydro power stations that either comprehensively satisfy their energy needs or work complementary with other sources of energy. Currently, there are seven countries that are getting a major portion of their electricity consumption out of hydro power energy:
  1. Brazil
  2. Norway
  3. Venezuela
  4. New Zealand
  5. Paraguay
  6. Canada
  7. Switzerland
Although not as powerful as fuel-powered steam turbines, hydro power generates a considerable portion of the required electrical power to these countries. Paraguay, a small country in South America is the only country whose primary source of power is hydro power energy. The produced energy is not only consumed in Paraguay, but also contributes to neighboring countries like Brazil and Argentina. This clearly demonstrates the power of hydro power energy. The technology used by Energy By Water is really powerful. Hydro power is the future of electricity generation. Norway gets 99% of its electricity needs from hydro power plants and is planning to shift completely towards the technology. China is the biggest producer of hydroelectricity in the world. It has dozens of projects producing electricity in enormous amounts. Other major producers include:
  • The United States
  • Russia
  • India
  • Japan
  • Sweden
It is obvious that several countries are turning to hydro power to satisfy their power needs. However, they still use large power plants for generation. Micro hydro power generators are not commonly used. Micro hydro power generators have low output power and are used to power just a few houses. Energy By Water is the most efficient version of a micro hydro power generator. It is the ideal example that shows how small generators can be used to serve individuals who wish to have their own private power production plants.
Oil Companies Hinder Hydro Technology
We are at one end, striving to get the basic necessities of life and there are people, on the other end, craving for opportunities to multiply their millions. The disparity in the distribution of wealth is gigantic. This scenario creates problems for common people almost everyday. The elite class uses every possible means to make more and more profits, even if it is detrimental to the interests of others. Such brutal behavior is contemptible; however, it is unobjectionable and is considered RIGHT in this JUNGLE. Although Energy By Water realized it, generating electricity out of water is not a new concept. You can find patents slumbering around on the internet as early as the 90s. But we cannot see something coming on the public picture until recently. Why is that? The corporate world is a complex web spun by several giant spiders that control it. These include kingpins like entrepreneurs, monopolists, politicians and other influential personalities. We may assume that things are just moving randomly based on millions of decisions taken everyday by common men and women but this is not the fact. There is a bigger conspiracy going on underneath it. Oil companies and those associated with it make millions of dollars every year from the power sector. The revenue generated from electrical distribution companies is huge. The invention and widespread usage of other cheap methods of producing electricity is a threat to these entrepreneurs. If people don’t use their oil to generate electricity, who will? The loss they will suffer is out of bonds. Knowing this fact, they strongly repulse any new research or technology that employs non-renewable resources to the production of electricity. Energy By Water also faced many challenges in its inception. Since, the product provides a cheap and convenient method of producing electricity, it was strongly criticized. Energy By Water doesn’t use coal, gas or oil but instead uses only WATER for electricity production. Oil companies knew that this is an innovation in the power sector and will be accepted immediately. To save their financial curve from going into a dip, they did (and are doing) all they can, to discourage it. From slandering about the technology to inhibiting its production, the elite can go through any means possible. Despite of the tiring efforts of these villains, Energy By Water has been launched successfully. The cost-efficient generator will bring great benefits to common people, and will save them from the constant gouging of vicious beasts in the corporate world.
Energy By Water
Power your homes with water Scientists have been rigorous in researching cheap sources of energy. As fuel becomes more and more expensive, people are craving for new methods that cut their energy costs. The concept of alternative energy sources is not new. Alternative energy sources like wind energy, water energy and solar energy have been in use for centuries. These are also called free energy sources since there is no fuel required to run them. So except the installation costs, there is nothing that you need to pay for. However, the energy that they provide is very limited. The conventional method of power generation is by using steam turbines. A steam turbine uses steam to generate electricity. Steam propels the turbine which in turn causes the generator to rotate. The generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Although this is one of the most reliable and prolific methods of producing electricity, it is very costly. Since steam is created using some kind of fuel (coal, natural gas etc.), there are huge variable costs attached to it. The tradeoff between cost and the required amount of energy is a big problem. But you don’t need to worry anymore. Energy By Water is here to help you. Energy By Water is a revolution in the field of alternative energy. It can power your entire home and is completely FREE. Yes, you heard right. Energy By Water does not require any fuel to work and so there are no variable costs. Just install it at your site and it can power your house for years to come. No electric bills, no additional charges and completely hassle-free. Energy By Water works on the concept of hydroelectric power. Hydroelectric power (or hydropower) is a means of generating electricity using water. Water is the propelling agent for the generator so when water falls on it, it rotates. The generator converts the mechanical energy into electricity which can be used to power a house. You may have observed that in the entire process, no fuel is used. This is the beauty of hydropower energy. It is free. You don’t need to spend a single buck to run it. Power in Water falls under the subcategory of hydropower called “micro hydro”. A micro hydro system is a small setup installed in the vicinity of a home that provides sufficient energy (about 100KW) to power the entire house. Energy By Water is a cost-effective method for homes, particularly in developing countries where electricity is really expensive.
Energy By Water – The Other Name is Convenience
So you have decided to get your own generator. This is a good decision. Since, electricity is getting increasingly expensive day by day, it’s better to find a solution that is cheap and affordable; a generator that is powerful enough to power your entire house. There are many options to select from, windmills, solar panels or hydro power. But which one is the best for you? Wind mills are powerful as they can provide several megawatts of electrical energy. You can go for that option if you have the proportionate investment at hand. It is definitely expensive to install! Furthermore, they occupy so much space that you must also own wide land where you can drop them. What about solar panels? This technology is getting better day by day. Firstly, because it’s only effective during half of the day when the sun is shining bright and secondly the technology is relatively new. It is complex to maintain and it can be a risky investment. How about Hydro power? Now you are talking. Hydro power is the most reliable and affordable solution for an individual. Don’t be scared with giant generators. There is a perfect solution for you. Energy By Water brings you a compact and cost-efficient generator that is not only sufficient for your energy needs but is convenient too. Its simple design makes it a perfect pick for people who are not tech savvy. Anyone can use it.

Easy to Install, Easy to Operate

You do not have to be technically proficient to install it. The installation is simple and intuitive. The accompanying guides will help you set the thing up in no time. Operation is also easy. You just have to fill the tank with clear water, switch it on and Tada...

Does Not Need Running Water Supply

Most hydro power generators require you to have a source of running water supply like a lake or pond to get the engine running. Energy By Water provides you convenience by eliminating this criterion. With the latest technology, the generator recycles the water after it has used it for the production of electricity. You don’t need to provide it with an active supply of water.

By your House

The compact size of the generator permits you to keep it near your house. You do not need to find a place specially dedicated for the machine. Unlike other generators that require a huge area, Energy By Water can fit in anywhere.
Why Go Hydro
Energy By Water is the latest advancement in the field of power generation. Deep inside its mechanics, the product works on the principle of Hydropower systems. A hydropower system uses water to generate electricity. But why use water? What about other alternative sources of energy? Why are we inclined towards renewable energy systems at all? Let’s try to dig into these questions. Natural gas and petroleum are primary sources of electricity. Conventionally, fuel is burnt to propel steam turbines, which in turn generates electricity. This is the most commonly used method for generating electricity around the world. The reason for its wide rang popularity is its reliability and productivity. However, with fuel prices increasing on a never-ending curve, people are looking for new methods that DO NOT REQUIRE FUEL. Energy By Water is just the solution for them. Renewable energy refers to energy that comes from natural resources like wind, sunlight, water and geothermal heat. Since there is an exhaustible supply of these resources, these are called “renewable” energy sources. These sources use methods that do not require fuel for producing electricity and therefore are generally cheap as compared to their traditional counterparts. This is the main reason that people and governments are getting more and more interested in employing these efficient methods in the power generation sector. This can be seen clearly from 2007 to 2009 report which says that there has been an increase of 44% in renewable energy projects in these two years.

Why Not Wind

Wind energy is one of the oldest sources of renewable energy. Wind moves turbines and turbines generate electricity. Commercial turbines can usually produce up to 3 Megawatts of electricity. The problem is that such a system requires wind moving at least at a speed of 60 miles per hour. Such speeds necessitate large, unconfined areas, or coastal areas.

Why Not Solar

Solar systems are comparatively a new finding. It’s not as productive as wind systems but still lends some hand in the total power production. Solar panels absorb heat from the sun and convert it to electricity. The system has a few limitations. Since, sun is not up 24 hours a day, it is not a comprehensive solution. Moreover, the technology is yet going through a development stage and is really expensive at the moment.

Why Hydro

Energy By Water saves your day.  It answers all the challenges faced by other methods of renewable energy. Its most distinctive feature is that it uses water to power the engine. Water is a natural resource that is ubiquitous and is available 24\7 throughout the year. Other advantages include: Fuel-Less and Cost-Less: Since Energy By Water is fueled by water, it is free to use. Requires Less Space: The generator does not require a large area as required in the case of windmills. You can install it near your house. Reduced Installation Cost: Energy By Water is a micro hydro system and it does not require a huge investment for installation. Eco-Friendly: Since it eats up no fuel, it doesn’t exhaust either. 
Advantages of Energy By Water
Did you hear about Energy By Water? It’s amazing. It’s the latest innovation in the field of power generation. Do you need to power your house? Are you looking for a cheap source of electricity? Energy By Water is the perfect solution for you. It will give sufficient power to power your entire house and it’s cheap. You just need to install it once. You won’t need to pay for any charges or bills, no matter how much electricity you use up. It’s completely free to use. Your face gestures indicate that you are not convinced yet. You need to hear more advantages. Here they come, start counting.

Doesn’t Need Fuel

Hold your seats because this is going to rock your world. Energy By Water does not require fuel. It only requires water to run. You just need to fill its tank full with clear water and it starts powering up your house. No fuel means no electricity bills and no monthly charges. Water is completely free and easily available everywhere. There can’t be a better offer.

Environment Friendly

You must have seen those malignant generators puffing poisonous gases into the air. This is a completely different thing you are dealing with. Energy By Water does not exhaust Carbon dioxide as it does not use fuel. Combustion engines that burn fuel exhaust such gases. Use Energy By Water to save the environment from pollution and support Global Warming.

Space Efficient

No, you don’t need wide, open areas specially dedicated to your system. This is a micro hydro system; a small water-powered system designed particularly for houses. You just need a small space where you can hook the thing down. Put it in your backyard if you wish to. Wind-powered systems, on the contrary require large spaces to accommodate giant windmills. This is certainly not the case for Energy By Water. It can fit in any outdoor place you want.


The rough and tough body of Energy By Water ensures that it will last for several years to come. It is designed to bear violent climatic conditions as it is almost always placed outdoors. Just install it once, and rest assured that you won’t have to worry about it for years. In a few years, you will recover your investment that you put for installation since it’s the only one-time charge that you need to pay.

Easy Installation

You don’t have to be a tech savvy to set up the generator. Energy By Water is designed keeping in mind the fact that it will be used by laymen. The installation is really simple and intuitive. Furthermore there are manuals and guides to help you in the process. Operating the generator is also easy. You just need to make sure that it gets sufficient amount of water and it will keep running without any complaints.
Generate Your Own Electricity at Your Home
What’s the thing you can’t live without. Oxygen. Umm, close. What else? Alarm clock. Quite witty, but not exactly. Electricity? BINGO! Indeed, electricity has taken such an important place in our lives that you can’t even think of living without it. Even in your dreams, you enjoy in ACs, you work on computers and take out fresh, crispy bread out of your toaster. Electricity that we are using comes from a process that uses natural resources such as coal, natural gas and oil. Owing to this fact, electricity is non-renewable. Once you have used up electricity, you have used up the resources needed in its production. Since these resources are themselves non-renewable, it follows that electricity is non-renewable as well. The portion that you have consumed can’t be reused or replenished. You require more natural resources, to get more electricity. Assume all natural resources have been exhausted. What will you do now? Stop using your daily appliances and technology? This is indeed equivalent to saying STOP LIVING. No, there has to be some way that is more stable and promising; a solution that doesn’t rely on resources that are depleting with every single character that is being typed.

There is a WAY

Energy By Water is the perfect solution. Its future prospects are promising and boundless. Energy By Water DOES NOT USE COAL, OIL or GAS for the production of electricity. Yes, that’s true. It doesn’t rely upon these non-renewable sources of energy that can be exhausted any time. Instead, it uses something whose birth coincides with that of the Earth itself and that will last as long as there is life; WATER. The ubiquitous water is the best solution to an energy crisis. With oil prices rising radically, electricity produced by conventional steam turbines is getting painfully expensive. In such dark circumstances, there is only one hope of light that won’t rip off your pocket; Energy By Water. Except for one time installation charges, there is not a single buck you need to spend to get it running. All you need is a gallon or two of water, and the engine starts roaring. Energy By Water will make sure you get inexhaustible supply of electricity so that you can live your life the way you want. Its small and compact design makes it ideal for use at homes and residential facilities. You can hook it up in your backyard and sit back in your bedroom, enjoying amenities of electricity. You don’t need to worry about the dreadful electricity bills anymore. It’s your own power station. It’s your own electricity.
Generate Your Own Electricity at Your Home
What’s the thing you can’t live without. Oxygen. Umm, close. What else? Alarm clock. Quite witty, but not exactly. Electricity? BINGO! Indeed, electricity has taken such an important place in our lives that you can’t even think of living without it. Even in your dreams, you enjoy in ACs, you work on computers and take out fresh, crispy bread out of your toaster. Electricity that we are using comes from a process that uses natural resources such as coal, natural gas and oil. Owing to this fact, electricity is non-renewable. Once you have used up electricity, you have used up the resources needed in its production. Since these resources are themselves non-renewable, it follows that electricity is non-renewable as well. The portion that you have consumed can’t be reused or replenished. You require more natural resources, to get more electricity. Assume all natural resources have been exhausted. What will you do now? Stop using your daily appliances and technology? This is indeed equivalent to saying STOP LIVING. No, there has to be some way that is more stable and promising; a solution that doesn’t rely on resources that are depleting with every single character that is being typed.
Energy By Water– Peeking into the technology inside
It’s a new generation; a generation of ideas and innovation. Energy By Water is the ideal example. It uses water to generate electricity. Isn’t it surprising? Now, this electricity is not in watts but in hundreds of watts. This means that you can use this state-of-the-art generator to power your entire house. With this technology in hand, you don’t need to pay huge sums of money for your fuel-stuffing generators nor you need to worry about paying electric bills. You just need to feed the generator with some water and it starts rocking. Energy By Water is essentially a hydro power generator; a machine which generates electricity by using water. You will find different types of hydro power generators, ranging from huge turbines for industrial uses as well as small, compact solutions for homes. The sizes of these generators depend on their use and requirement of electrical energy. Large hydro power generators are powerful enough to lift the electrical requirements of an entire town on its shoulders. This is accompanied by its drawback that it occupies too much space and requires a dedicated land for its installation. Small generators, on the contrary, are able to fit in anywhere in the vicinity of a house, but can only power a single house. The new-generation generator, Energy By Water is a small-scale generator for domestic use. It’s called a “micro turbine.” Micro turbines are small in size and produce relatively small force, suitable for small-scale energy production. Micro turbines are relatively a new finding in the field of power generation. Recent technology and research has now made the invention of such a compact generator possible. Micro hydro generators are indeed successors of turbochargers used in trucks, and APUs used in airplanes. What is really an important feature of these generators is that these can be used to generate electricity as well as to provide heating at the same time. Micro turbines come in different sizes that correspond to their output electrical power. There are “industrial micro turbines”, “mini micro turbines” and “micro turbines”. An industrial micro turbine is capable of producing more than 1000KW of electricity. Such a powerful generator can power an entire town. Mini micro turbines are limited to an output power range of 500KW to 1000KW. These are economical versions and are suitable for small areas comprising of a few houses. Then there are micro turbines that are designed to fulfill the needs of a single house only. These are capable of producing power ranging from 20KW to 500KW. Energy By Water is a micro turbine. Although it may look the weakest among the three, it has its advantages. It is compact in size and is really cheap. Energy By Water is a perfect solution for people that need sufficient electric power to light up their houses.
Renewable Energy Sources
A prudent step towards a better future Coal, oil and natural gas account for most of the world’s electricity consumption. With the increasing rate at which they are being used up, there is a fear that they would exhaust up completely in the future. Since these are non-renewable sources of energy, they cannot be recovered once they are consumed. These resources take centuries to come into existence and require complex geological conditions to grow. Due to these facts, they are almost impossible to recreate synthetically. With the start of 20th century, demands for more and more energy grew up. These demands doubled and quadrupled in the subsequent centuries. The analysis of the energy consumption shows that the curve will continue to increase radically as we look into the future. But how are we going to deal with such huge and insatiable energy requirements if we are out fuel? There’s got to be some way out of it because the demands cannot be compromised and must be met at any cost. The designers of Energy By Water deeply understand the situation. Their latest invention is a practical example that we do not have to rely completely on fuel to cope up with our electricity requirements. Energy By Water  uses water to generate electricity. Water is a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy. You can use the same water again and again to produce electricity. It is 100 percent renewable and an excellent solution to electrical power needs. There are also other sources of renewable energy available. Let’s discuss some of them.

Wind Power

Wind is everywhere. It is a natural resource that will never exhaust up. Wind power systems are one of the oldest renewable energy sources. A grid of several wind mills can provide a huge amount of electricity. Today, there are thousands of wind mills installed worldwide which are contributing significantly to the world’s energy needs.

Solar Power

The concept of producing electricity from solar energy is relatively new. First developed in 1980, solar systems have been gaining popularity throughout the world. The easy installation of solar power systems make it distinctive from wind mills. Solar panels absorb heat from sunlight and convert it to electricity.

Hydro Power

Accounting for a lion’s share in the total renewable energy, hydro power has proved to be the most effective solution. Hydro turbines use water to produce electricity. The best example of hydro power system is Energy By Water which provides a cheap electricity solution. Ranging from large to small systems, there are different versions available to suit different energy needs.

Geothermal Power

Although not as popular as hydro power, geo thermal power has an important contribution in the production of electricity. Geothermal power systems use heat underneath the earth to produce electricity. Other sources of geothermal energy include geysers, volcanoes and hot springs. The largest geothermal power installation in the world produces 750 MW of electricity

Tidal Power

Tides are a source of natural and ever-lasting energy. Tidal power systems use the energy of tides to produce electricity. Powerful tides drive turbines that generate electricity. Although today it is not a popular source of energy, it has promising prospects in the future. Researchers are trying to control the power of tides and make the system affordable enough to be used widely.

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